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Home » One Off Sale » PERNOT, LOUIS: Livre de luth de Perrine

PERNOT, LOUIS: Livre de luth de Perrine
PERNOT, LOUIS: Livre de luth de Perrine
The Book of Perrine comprises some of the most beautiful pieces ever written for baroque lute. Often considered a Rosetta Stone for the lute world, these pieces were some of the very few to be transcribe by a contemporary of the authors, from tablature to modern technique. For the past ten years, Louis Pernot, one of the best lutenists in the world, has been crafting this masterpiece which no-one before had ever attempted to record in its entirety.

Only available at this price as part of the ReR Sale Offer (minimum) 4 titles)

Code: ADHOC11
Price: £5.00


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Price: £14.50