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Home » Sound Art - Radio Art » OZU, YASUJIRO HITOKOMAKURA: dbl CD

* A collection of 31 commissioned pieces inspired by Japanese film director Yasujiro Ozu's 'pillow shots' - resting shots with a fixed frame focus on material not instrumental to the trajectory of the narrative; there is a marked emphasis on soundscape and environmental recordings - some manipulated, some accompanied, some as they come; a few tracks are performance based, mostly meditative, and one is silent. Invitees include Steve Roden, Bernhard Gunther, Roel Melkoop, Haco, Toshiya Tsunoda, Hitoshi Kojo, Marc Behrens, Sawako, Jason Kahn, Dale Lloyd, Kiyoshu Mizutani and Michael Shannon. A mixed bag; some fine tracks, some less engaging - perhaps listening to one piece at a time would serve the project better? Each track is associated with a still photograph (the 'booklet' is on each CD as a computer readable pdf file, so you can watch the picture as you listen; though, as is generally characteristic of the field, even with no limitation on information space, only a few contributors offer more than a bare minimum of supplementary data).

Code: and/26
Price: £22.00


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