Welcome to ReR Megacorp
Welcome to the NEW ReR Online Catalogue, an artist led service that gathers and distributes music on the basis of excellence, innovation, scarcity and independence.
For newcomers, a look through our own label releases will give a good picture of where our sympathies lie. Other collected and recommended titles are organized alphabetically, and also collected into separately accessible specialist categories, for convenience.
You can now listen to all the label titles and buy them as downloads but please note that the link takes you to the ReR download site which has a separate checkout. You can also buy the ReR titles as physical CDs there. Or listen and return here.
This site is meant to be a resource, not just a specialist record supply service, so please do let us know how it could be improved. Thanks!
Chris Cutler
Please note: prices include free shipping for CDs to ALL territories.
Normal European service resumed. EU CUSTOMERS - BUY SAFELY AND WITH NO DELAYS. We are now fully EU tax and mail compliant.
Please note that we have a new email address - contact us at:
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