» JENKINS, ALAN (ed): Well, That About Wraps It Up For The Sea
JENKINS, ALAN (ed): Well, That About Wraps It Up For The Sea
This superb and frankly unbelievable (ESM ™)* compilation culled from an infinity of parallel universes features multiple (and extreme) interpretations of The Beatles’ She Loves You - ‘universally acknowledged the best pop song’ - kicking off with our own Kettering Vampires (of The Kettering Vampires play Nico & the Velvet Underground fame), after which all cosmic hell breaks loose – in a suitably sedate, anachronistic, polystylistic, willful and mind-blistering way. Apart from being a joy to listen to (there’s a message there) and highly intelligent, this record, by its very form, makes more illuminating commentaries on the nature of style, music, recording aesthetics, fashion, genius and culture than a library full of musicological analyses. It’s lived philosophy. And it’s also funny. If you think you can sort of imagine what this CD is like, trust me, it’s better. My record of the year so far.
* Experimental Surf Music, a concept fully explained in Jenkins’ lapidary liner notes. L
Code: CD070
Price: £14.50