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Home » ReR Label » FRITH. FRED: Speechless

FRITH. FRED: Speechless
FRITH. FRED: Speechless
After Gravity, where he worked with The Muffins and Samla Mammas Manna, this was Fred's second solo release for The Residents' Ralph Records, this time working with French RIO band Etron Fou Leloublan - notably their drummer, Gigou Chenevier, who makes a major musical and aesthetic contribution to the character and atmosphere of these recordings. Here are clear, melodic, through composed pieces that both hold to the Folk/Rock vocabularies explored on Gravity and continue the exploration of territory opened up on Hopes and FearsÕ ÔMoeris DancingÕ. These tracks drive and rock and swing; they are tense and dense and often dramatic. Environmental recordings of FredÕs New York environment also colour the mix. And listen out for SatieÕs typewriter..<p>

Code: ReRFRO04
Price: £5.00