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Home » ReR Label » CHARMING HOSTESS: Punch

A few of you will already have heard either the Hostess's first wild American release or founder Jewlia Eisenberg's ear-opening Tzadik CD of last year. The Hostesses here are an extraordinary 7 piece band, tight, a little rockish, comprising bass, drums, guitar, fiddle, various horns, accordion and other occasional instruments (singing saw, for instance) - but the work is distinguished by the amazing vocal arrangements (everyone sings, and exceptionally). Additive rhythms stretched harmonies, pinpoint playing; this is evolved material, executed with great skill - and great looseness. Some traditional pieces from Bulgaria, Palestine, Transylvania and Southern America appear in very personalised arrangements alongside original songs that go way beyond world music genres.

Only available at this price as part of the ReR Sale Offer (minimum) 4 titles)

Code: ReRCH1
Price: £5.00


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