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Home » ReR Label » VEES, JACK: The Restaurant Behind the Pier

VEES, JACK:  The Restaurant Behind the Pier
VEES, JACK: The Restaurant Behind the Pier
Seven pieces for solo bass. Sounds unappetising? Well. To 'bass', add a lot of pedals and extended techniques, add sound on sound and a mastery of harmonics; to 'solos' add versions of rock classics (Manic Depression - I Want You and As you said) as well as more abstract compositions and electoacoustics. Best known as a Bang on a Can composer, Jack played a lot of rock music in his life. Identity crisis? Postmodern condition? At least he's turning it into art. Not for everyone maybe, but an important work for bass.

Only available at this price as part of the ReR Sale Offer (minimum) 4 titles)

Code: ReRJV1
Price: £5.00