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Home » ReR Label » P53: P53

P53:  P53
P53: P53
Commissioned project from Chris Cutler for the 25th Frankfurt Jazz Festival 1994, featuring Marie Goyette, Zygmunt Krauze, Otomo Yoshihide, Lutz Glandien and Chris Cutler (score contemporary composers: 2, Sound debris organisers: 2, virtuoso pianists: 2, Virtual instruments: 2, Rythmn, Melody, Chaos: 2,2,2, more of the same: nil). His first without sung text. Instruments: Two Grand Pianos, Turntables, Random-tuned Guitar, Drums/Electronics, Computer and real-time processing. A single, complex narrative of sound; but track marked for listening convenience. Cover by Peter Blegvad. Notes and Pictures. L

Only available at this price as part of the ReR Sale Offer (minimum) 4 titles)

Code: ReRP53
Price: £5.00