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PREVOST, EDWIN: Minute Particulars
PREVOST, EDWIN: Minute Particulars
Eddie takes the gloves off, or at least loosens them substantially. Two thirds of the book is a single sweep across the musical terrain that Eddie knows best: improvisation, Cage and Cardew and their legacy, and particularly to the responsibility a performer has to her/his public and to the music he or she is making (an unfashionable topic today). Interestingly he takes fellow AMM member Keith Rowe to task on these topics and nails his own flag to the mast of intentionality. The rest of the book comprises a number of short articles from various sources including critical assessments of the ghastly (my adjective) Wynton Marsalis and more controversially of John Zorn, and much interesting biographical material, always from a broad social perspective. Eddie roams, and is on occasion prolix, but this is writing by a sincere and honest man, still asking the difficult questions and not afraid to go against the grain of current fashion. L

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Price: £14.50


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Price: £15.50