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Home » Vinyl » GRIMAUD, DOMINIQUE: 19 Feedbacks (vinyl)

GRIMAUD, DOMINIQUE: 19 Feedbacks (vinyl)
GRIMAUD, DOMINIQUE: 19 Feedbacks (vinyl)
We don’t normally stock LPs, but we have a handful of these from our old friend Dominique. This project started life with the opening of I Feel Fine, and grew from there; a quasi-plunderphonic project looking back to the ‘60s but only recently completed. As the title implies, each track is – in a very broad understanding of the term - a species of feedback (occasionally even based on an actual instance of feedback) and takes the form of a textured sonic swatch. What makes it interesting - and adds a puzzle dimension - is that each swatch is derived from a source that would be familiar, if named, but is unrecogniseable as heard (The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Yardbirds, Captain Beefheart, &c.). Each swatch is very different from its companions, but all offer a layered and variegated monochrome moment – not unlike reflected light on agitated water. Enigmatic, and very listenable.

Code: CREP74
Price: £15.00