Home » Electroacoustic/Contemporary » LUCIER, ALVIN: Vespers
5 early pieces, including the legendary Vespers - where people with Sondols (clicking echolocation devices) move around and three-dimensionally map an enclosed space (a room).. this is of course unrecordable, but here is a fair approximation - and even in this form it's a radical and fascinating piece. Then there are 4 other pieces: Chambers, the sounds of different acoustic spaces - occupied rooms - brought together; North American Time Capsule, speech and song wholly converted to electronic sounds through Vocoders; Middletown (Memory Space), for koto, accordion, piano, shakuhachi and electric guitar and Elegy for Albert Anastasia - for low electronic sounds, a prescient work for the early '60s. A historic document. Enthusiastic notes, though low on useful information.
Code: 80604-2
Price: £14.50