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Home » ReR Label » GLANDIEN, LUTZ: Lost in Rooms

GLANDIEN, LUTZ: Lost in Rooms
GLANDIEN, LUTZ: Lost in Rooms
Although following The 5th Elephant in its musical organisation - around grids of pulses and highly crafted, rich sonorities - this work is more evolved, more focussed and more internally economic. Following a narrative thread this time, the whole is bound into a complex and ramifying exposition of repetition, transformation and evolution, where a return is no return and where perceiver and perceived are lost to time. Tightly bounded by speech-derived (but massively re-formed) sonic materials, as well as location recordings, this work enters a non-existent genre field that fuses and transcends contemporary complexity, C21 Musique Concrete, Horspiel, and a kind of post-techno investigation of the conflict between organic informational materials and manipulations. A gem.

Only available at this price as part of the ReR Sale Offer (minimum) 4 titles)

Code: ReRLG3
Price: £5.00