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Home » DVD » FRITH, FRED DVD: Step Across the Border

FRITH, FRED DVD: Step Across the Border
Long awaited reissue of this excellently made (and serial award-winning) film about and featuring Fred - at work, rest and in interview mode - moving through Japan, Italy, France, Germany, England, Switzerland and America, alone and in the musical company of Iva Bittova, Tom Cora, Joey Barron, Rene Lussier, Haco, Zeena Parkins, Bob Ostertag, John Zorn, Art Lindsay, Tim Hodgkinson and others. Part documentary, part visual meditation with soundtrack, this edition comes with a great deal of extra footage. Pretty indispensable. Film 1 hour 23. Plus Bonus tracks, 30 mins. French, German, Japanese, Portugese and Spanish subtitles. L (Friends of Fred price 22)

Code: 915001-7
Price: £27.00


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