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Home » Sound Art - Radio Art » BURT, WARREN: 39 Dissonant Etudes

BURT, WARREN: 39 Dissonant Etudes
BURT, WARREN: 39 Dissonant Etudes
Each piano etude is 90 seconds long, each employs a different equal tempered scale - from 5 to 43 notes to the octave. Samplers and sequencers perform, though the sound is pianistic throughout. This belongs firmly in that small school of those following up on earlier experiments with microtanality (Ives, Nancarrow, Wyshnegradsky, Carillo, Grainger &c.). These pieces constantly shift the tunings, and they run together, making the experience even more precarious. Fascinating, and educational. The higher numbers, naturally, sound the strangest and the best. Perhaps best listened to in smaller chunks.

Code: TP093
Price: £14.50


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Price: £14.50

Price: £14.50

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