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Home » New Distribution » ROBINSON, NICK: Lost Garden

It works. This is a CD of electric guitar(s), mostly alone - with effects, but not quite falling into any of the boxes. It’s not simply noise or abstract improvisation and it’s not nicely arranged tunes, but falls into being some species of long form composition, commingling sound, pitch, harmony and atmosphere - definitely structured but more the way a tone poem or film music is than any kind of rock music; it’s not groundbreaking or alien or startling or virtuosic, but it is coherent and engagingly spooled out to shorten time and retain interest – and with just enough subtlety and detail to draw the ear along and inward. It has the feel of experience and painstaking work, combined with a concentration on the result rather than on a desire to impress. More meditative than gripping but with a sure touch. Probably an endangered species and I think worth supporting.

Code: LostGarden
Price: £14.50