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Home » Full Catalogue » SOUNDWORKS: For those who have ears (Book + CD)

SOUNDWORKS: For those who have ears (Book + CD)
Catalogue of the 2004 Art Trail event in Cork, Ireland containing in 68pp.of articles, interviews and notes on their work by 23 sound artists and a couple of radio organisers. With 25 illustrative tracks and excerpts on an accompanying CD, this is a very mixed bag - but illustrative of the state of play on these islands, I'm afraid. Important for those who study or are broadly interested in this medium, which seems here to be trying still to define itself - often ab initio, with little reference to the more mature understandings which have been hard won in other arenas - and to which Brits, as members of an international community seemingly ignored at home have contributed. Introduction by David Toop, whose outlook has done much to define our local understanding of what sound art could be considered to be.

Code: soundwrksEars
Price: £12.50


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