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Home » Sound Art - Radio Art » BECKETT, SAMUEL. JOHN TILBURY: John Tilbury plays Samuel Beckett

BECKETT, SAMUEL. JOHN TILBURY: John Tilbury plays Samuel Beckett
The redoubtable John Tilbury presents authoritative interpretations of two radio pieces by Beckett, Cascando and Rough for Radio 1. For the first he speaks both parts and plays subtly electronically modulated piano, for the second he is joined by Christina Jones (speaking) and Eddie Prevost and Sebastian Lexer (music, or rather sound interludes). Because Beckett is so musical himself, and his texts so open-ended, this will bear repeated listening; Tilbury is magnificent and both productions are exquisitely realised.

Code: MRCD62
Price: £14.50


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Price: £14.50

Price: £14.50